XVIII ASIAC annual conference – Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 9-10-11 December 2024 – Call for panels and individual papers

Update: Notifications of acceptance are currently being sent. The process should be completed by 20 July 2024. Get in touch if you have not received a message from us by that day. Please check your emails, including the spam folder!

If you plan to attend the Conference only as auditors (NOT presenting a paper/participating in a panel or a roundtable), please fill this form: https://forms.gle/t5e7hd59QkLUVsE79

On Monday, 9, Tuesday, 10, and Wednesday, 11 December 2024, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice will host the annual conference of the Italian Association for the Study of Central Asia and the Caucasus (ASIAC).

The Conference aims to foster scientific dialogue between scholars working on these geographical areas from Italy and abroad. We welcome contributions from a wide array of disciplines, including (but not limited to) history, linguistics, philology, literature, politics, sociology, archeology, and geography.

This edition will include a Special Section entitled “Connections, Mobilities, and Infrastructures in Central Asia and the Caucasus throughout the Centuries”. 

We invite scholars to submit papers or organised panels for our thematic section that seeks to explore the intricate networks of trade, cultural exchange, and human movements that have shaped these regions’ historical, political and sociocultural development. From the ancient Silk Road to modern-day transportation corridors, the aim of this section is to uncover the dynamic interplay between infrastructural developments and societal interactions across time. 

We welcome interdisciplinary contributions that examine various aspects of connections, mobilities, and infrastructures in Central Asia and the Caucasus, including but not limited to studies on trade routes, migration patterns, technological advancements, urban development, cultural, religious and artistic diffusion, as well as linguistic encounters. 

By delving into the historical evolution of connectivity networks and their impact on regional dynamics, we seek to deepen our understanding of the complex socio-economic and cultural processes that have defined these regions throughout the centuries. Scholars are encouraged to adopt comparative and transnational approaches, as well as utilise diverse methodologies to unravel the multifaceted layers of connectivity and mobility that have shaped Central Asia and the Caucasus over time.

In addition to individual papers, we strongly encourage participants to submit proposals for organised panels, comprising participants from different universities or research institutions, one chair, and, in some instances, a discussant.

Proposals for individual papers should include a title and an abstract (around 400 words), and the affiliation and contact information for all the speakers. Proposals for organised panels should also include a short description (approximately 400 words) on the general theme of the panel.

Proposals should be submitted via this link: https://forms.gle/omjQDUsh4rMrYZk16

Please note that proposals received via email will not be considered.

The deadline for proposal submission is 15 June 2024 at 23:59 CEST.

The conference will take place in person. Under special circumstances (e.g. issues in obtaining mobility funds or visas), the Organisation Committee will accept participants joining remotely via e-conferencing tools.

The working language of the conference will be English. Full panel proposals in languages other than English may be considered on a case-by-case basis; in such cases, language preference should be clearly expressed in the panel proposal submission. A selection of papers will also be considered for publication in ASIAC’s academic journal Studies on Central Asia and the Caucasus

The acceptance of papers and panels will be communicated by 13 July 2024.

Attendance is free, but all speakers must register and pay the conference fee which will also serve as the Association’s 2024 membership fee (75 euros for professors and academics, 50 euros for students or independent researchers); follow this link for payment details.


  • Deadline for proposal submission: 15 June 2024, 23:59 CEST.
  • Notification of acceptance: 13 July 2024.
  • Registration and fee payment: 6 September 2024

The Treasurer will notify participants of payment received after the 6 September deadline. Lack of payment will result in removal from the Conference programme. In case of urgent issues, contact [email protected].

  • Publication of the final programme: 30 September 2024.
  • Conference: 9-10-11 December 2024.

This conference is organised by an Organising Committee composed of Aldo Ferrari, Giorgio Comai, Carlo Frappi, Laura Mafizzoli, Frank Maracchione, and Giulia Sciorati, in close cooperation with ASIAC’s Board of Directors, Ca’ Foscari University and the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (IfL) in Leipzig.