Every year ASIAC organises a Summer School in Samarkand,
with the aim of introducing young scholars and
University students to the local languages
(Uzbek, Tajik and Russian) and research issues pertinent to the region.

Moreover, the School gives the participants the opportunity to visit
places of historical, archaeological
and/or anthropological interest in and around Samarkand.

With this purpose, ASIAC co-operates
with the local Linguistic University of Samarkand (>>SamSIFL)
and can rely on solid links with local
and international scholars and research institutions.

The Samarkand Summer School is open to all MA and PhD students
coming from around the world.


For further information about our School, you can read the experience and opinions of our past students and browse the pictures at the 2010 Summer School section and see our Past editions!

OR you can contact directly our >>Samarkand Summer School

OR you can write to our past students, who will be happy to share their impressions with you. To see their contact information, please click >>here